A good night’s sleep with Homeopathy

by Danielle Abramov, BSc (Hons) RSHom

You’ve tried all the previous ‘Tips for Sleeping Soundly’, yet sleep still eludes you, or you wake up un-refreshed or, even more frustrating, you are wide awake much too early and cannot get back to sleep.

Try a homeopathic remedy: Homeopathy is a form of holistic medicine that works on the principle of treating ‘like with like’ and is administered in minute doses. It is gentle, non-addictive, side effect free and can be used safely and effectively at any life stage.

Each human being is unique and homeopathic remedies are prescribed according to each individual’s symptoms.

Thus when treating chronic insomnia, it is recommended to treat the whole person, rather than just the specific symptom of sleeplessness. These are the most commonly used remedies and their indications:

Arsenicum album (Ars): sleeplessness from worry and anxiety (especially about one's health) with a fear of dying. Wakefulness after midnight, especially 1-2 A.M. Restless, gets out of bed. Can only sleep with head raised. Hard to fall asleep after waking.

Coffea cruda (Coff): Coffee is well known for producing sleeplessness but because of homeopathy’s ‘like treats like’ effect, it will relieve insomnia when given in crude, or especially homeopathic form. The types of symptoms it relieves are those produced by coffee. Wide eyed at 3 A.M. with overactive mind, excessive joy, feeling excited. Worse for suprises; strong emotions; narcotics.

Ignatia Amara (Ign): Sleeplessness from a recent disappointment or grief.  Waking easily from sleep. Waking from the jerking of a limb. Itching of arms with yawning. Child wakes from sleep with screaming and trembling after being reprimanded before bedtime. Worse for: Coffee.

Kali Phos (Kali p.): Sleepless after worry, excitement or from nervous causes. Constant dreaming of fire, robbers, ghosts, falling. Twitching of muscles on falling asleep. Awakens with a fright.

Nux Vomica (Nux-v): insomnia from worries about business, too much stress. Irritability from loss of sleep. Falling asleep before normal bedtime and then waking at 3–4am. Waking at 3-4am with alert and active mind and then falling asleep as daylight approaches only to then wake with difficulty, feeling tired, weak, and not wanting to get up. Worse for: stimulants and narcotics

Passiflora Incarnata (Pass): A very useful remedy for sleeplessness, but it should be given in mother tincture, i.e. 10 to 30 drops a dose. Restlessness, exhaustion, and sleeplessness.

Sulphur (Sulph): Waking between 2 – 5am and unable to go back to sleep. Difficulty in falling asleep from itchiness of skin or perspiration. Drowsy by day and sleepless at night. Worse for: becoming hot; atmospheric changes.

Method:  About 1 hour before going to bed, take 1 pill of the remedy in a 30c potency (strength) that most closely resembles your individual symptoms by letting it dissolve under the tongue. Homeopathic remedies are highly sensitive so avoid handling the pills and store them in a cool place and away from strong smelling substances.

If you are experiencing other (un)related symptoms and the remedy matching your particular symptoms does not alleviate your sleep problem, please consult a professional homeopath who will take your case history and treat you holistically.

Danielle Abramov, BSc (Hons) RSHom – Restoring health naturally